Kowsar Cineplex opens in Tehran

January 15, 2024 - 22:28

TEHRAN-Kowsar Cineplex with three halls was inaugurated in District 9 of Tehran on Saturday in the presence of the head of Iran Cinema Organization.

“The development of cultural places across the country, especially cinema halls, is one of the major and strategic programs of Iran Cinema Organization,” Mohammad Khazaei said at the inauguration ceremony.

“Kowsar Cineplex is the 19th cinema launched in the past two years and the 80th movie theater in Tehran Province. The number of cinema halls across the country has reached 822,” Honaronline reported him as saying.

Khazaei further added that the construction of 23 cinema halls in art and cultural complexes in different cities is near completion and will be inaugurated by the end of the current Iranian year (March 19).

In addition, 14 more cinemas are under construction by the private sector across Tehran, six of which are situated uptown, five are in the central regions and three are being built in the south and suburbs of the capital city.

According to the Iran Cinema Organization, in the past two years, 220 cinema halls have been built all around Iran.

“With the development of infrastructure in the film industry, we can hope for the prosperity of the country's cinema in the future, and help people in underprivileged areas also use cultural, recreational, educational, and social facilities,” the official noted.

Khazaei expressed hope that with the efforts underway by various state organizations as well as the private sector, the number of cinema halls in Iran reach 1,500 in the next two years.

Comprising several halls, modern multiplex cinemas have created an excellent opportunity for filmgoers with a wide choice. The several halls built within a complex provide fans with movies of different genres; this way every individual can choose a film based on personal interest.

Cinema halls in the cineplexes are equipped with the latest digital technologies and so the high quality of image resolution and Dolby Surround sound system make watching their favorite actors on the big screen more enjoyable for the audiences.

Besides the quality and the many options cineplexes give the filmgoers in selecting a movie of their choice, they offer another advantage for families. As their name suggests, they are more than just places to screen films; complexes usually include restaurants, coffee shops, cyber cafes, malls, galleries, and even indoor playgrounds, gyms, and art classes.


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